What's new for me? What will I learn next? What tiny little moment will make way for a breakthrough? I've been reading a whole lot this winter. I've chosen to not do other things and read. Not because it's some supior choose but because something deep inside me has needed to connect. When you declare your word or theme for your new year (my word is LEARN) doors start opening and words start falling into place. Also, questions. Questions start forming. I'm about to embark on a daring and adventurous endevor- to seek and ask wiser moms how! How they make it through the mundane chores, the sleepless nights, the exhaustion, the fear, the chaos- and raise these beautiful children you now talk with, sit with and have found to be independent and capable.
For several years now, I will strike up a conversation with older moms and dads and anxiously wait to hear little nuggets of truth. People I don't know- what will they say- I wonder!?? This person I barely know- what small truth will stand out to them? That's what I have been wanting to know. How do you raise great kids. Not just great, but thriving, adventurous, happy, hard-working, giving, loving and the kind of kid who wants to be with his parents even when he's grown up.
Each day my mind wanders through hallways of possible questions. What kind of answer would this question evoke? Whould that offend or stump her? Would she share a mistake or regret in order for me or another mom to not make it?
What questions would you want to hear answered? What are daily struggles that you want little bits of wisdom to help with along the road? I'm most excited to hear how they taught God's love, goodness and faithful. How to raise pure and loving men and women in this cruel and selfish world. Join me this year for 12 interviews and 12 incredible women of faith- "Seasoned Moms Speak Out"
I can't tell you how excited I am about this series. Learning and growing is something I think we should always be open to and what better way to learn that then from women who have walked in our shoes... treaded the same paths. I wish you much success, Lisa!!!